Monday, May 5, 2008


FTP or File Transfer Protocol is a system that transfers data over a network, such as the internet, and as such is a highly valuable tool that has become part of our daily lives. After reading wikipedia I realized the system was simple yet very technical making it almost overwhelming to people new to the field, and thus creating a downfall in itself.  

There are benefits to the system however, 1 of which is the fact that the system does not discriminate against operating systems and can be used both by Macs and PCs. Another good point is it is usable over any type of network, making it very versatile

With every good there comes bad, and with FTP there  are several security flaws that pose fundamental threats to users, possible the biggest flaw is the fact that basic FTP transfers passwords and personal details in plain text, making it extremely easy for people to steal private information FTP does however counter this with protocol enhancements that are available, however not everyone maw no this.

Another downfall is that because FTP uses multiple connections to transfer data, it may confuse firewalls causing the system to be blocked by the firewall, or cease working altogether.
My view on FTP is that while it is a handy tool we can use, it must also be used with caution, as it is easy to have information stolen among other problems that may arise.

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